1) Verbal communication takes place at meetings, presentations, video calls and conference calls. a) TRUE b) FALSE 2) When talking with someone, look away so that there is no eye contact. a) TRUE b) FALSE 3) If you speak in a calm and friendly tone, your colleagues will likely receive your words in a negative way. a) TRUE b) FALSE 4) Try to convey your message in as few words as possible. a) TRUE b) FALSE 5) When talking, use fillers such as such as ‘um', ‘you know', ‘eh', ‘like' and ‘so'. a) TRUE b) FALSE 6) A good communicator should enter into any conversation with a flexible, open mind. a) TRUE b) FALSE 7) When people are talking, talk over them to get your point across. a) TRUE b) FALSE 8) Visual communication is any kind of communication that uses vocal content. a) TRUE b) FALSE 9) Active listening means to listen intently to what the other person is saying before responding. a) TRUE b) FALSE 10) It's OK to have mistakes in your communications, as people will understand that you are busy. a) TRUE b) FALSE 11) When talking, use a strong, confident voice. a) TRUE b) FALSE 12) If you are in a meeting, make notes of key points. a) TRUE b) FALSE 13) Facial expressions, posture, eye contact, hand movements and touch are examples of nonverbal communication. a) TRUE b) FALSE 14) When you are listening to someone, it is incorrect to ask any questions. a) TRUE b) FALSE 15) When communicating, use an unfriendly tone so that people pay attention. a) TRUE b) FALSE 16) To show your interest, slouch in your chair when in a meeting. a) TRUE b) FALSE 17) Written communication should use long and complicated words. a) TRUE b) FALSE 18) Digital communication includes email, text messages and social media. a) TRUE b) FALSE 19) Examples of visual communication include photos, drawings, charts and graphs. a) TRUE b) FALSE 20) Written communication is any form of communication using written words. a) TRUE b) FALSE 21) Non-verbal communication consists of speaking and listening. a) TRUE b) FALSE 22) Verbal communication is when you engage in speaking with others through sign language or using your voice. a) TRUE b) FALSE

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