不小心 - careful, 跌倒 - fall down, 受傷 - get hurt, 嚴重 - severe, serious, 流血 - bleed, 哭 - cry, 勇敢 - brave, 流鼻血 - nosebleed, 學校 - school, 過敏 - allergic, 熱鬧 - lively, 園遊會 - school fair, 花生 - peanut, 約 - invite, 讓 - let, make, 答應 - agree to, 別的 - other, 參加 - participate in, join, 考試 - test, 同學 - student, 必須 - must, 唱歌 - sing, 笑話 - joke, 一起 - together, 站 - stand, 熱 - hot, 書 - book, 筆 - pan, 拍球 - Bounce the ball, 溜滑梯 - Slide, 告訴 - tell, 必須 - have to, must, 半 - half past, 鋼琴 - piano, 回家 - return home, 邀請 - invitation, 不行 - can not, 從 - from, 味道 - taste, flavor, 越來越 - more and more, 鹹 - salty, 健康 - healthy, 好吃 - delicious, 味道 - taste, flavor, 胡椒粉 - pepper, 糖醋肉 - sweet and sour pork, 裙子 - skirt, 而且 - and too, 襪子 - sock, 氣溫 - temperature, 流汗 - sweat, 外套 - coat, 這樣 - like this, 低 - LOW, 還是 - had better, 應該 - should, 開始 - start, 感冒 - cold, 上次 - last time, 扭 - twist, 腳 - leg, 雖然 - although, 只要 - as long as, 慢慢地 - slowly, 電影 - movie, 種 - type, kind, 傳統 - tradition, traditional, 文化 - culture, 難 - difficult, hard, 學會 - learn, 好處 - advantage, 有空 - have free time,, 試試 - try, 國家 - country, 最近 - recently, 地理 - geography, 各 - each, 城市 - city, 首都 - capital, 清楚 - clear, 靠近 - be / get close to, 海邊 - seaside, 記得 - remember, 糟糕 - That’s terrible, 忘了 - forget, 東南部 - the southeast,

G4 Let's Talk Chinese Lesson 1-9


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