1 - Tell about Joe's and Laura's vacation. Whose vacation do you think was worse? Why?, 2 - Годовщина(юбилей) (in Eng) , 3 - What is the weather like? , 4 - Have you ever taken a vacation that you didn't enjoy very much? What happened?, 5 - Жалеть кого-то/жаловаться на (in Eng), 6 - What was the hotel like? It was…, 7 - По одной простой причине/ни разу (in Eng), 8 - Explain prepositions of place (at,in,on), 9 - What was the town like? It was…, 10 - PHRASES WITH GO (OTHER VACATION ACTIVITIES), 11 - катастрофа/ужасный отпуск/Это было ужасно!, 12 - Have a serious relationship (expain), 13 - Make [?] in the past continuous, 14 - What are the people like? , 15 - There's nothing worse than...., 16 - Arrive/ask/end/invite/need/start/stay (in simple past), 17 - Other Verbs + prepositions , 18 - There's nothing better than...., 19 - Make [-] in the past continuous and past simple, 20 - Это обречено на провал, неудачу (in Eng) , 21 - Ask your partner about his / her vacation., 22 - Explain prepositions of time (at,in,on), 23 - The image that cost a fortune (tell the story), 24 - Make [+] in the past continuous and past simple, 25 - But/although/So (explain+make a sentence),


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