1) What are you studying? 2) Where are you working? 3) Where are you living? 4) What are you going to do after class? 5) Who are you living with? 6) What are you going to eat with your friends? 7) Are you watching any Netflix series? 8) What are you having for dinner tonight? 9) What subjects are you studying? 10) Why are you studying English? 11) Are you doing exercise these days? 12) What projects are you working on these days? 13) What artists are you listening to recently? 14) What things are you learning these days? 15) Where are you going this weekend? 16) What are you doing next holiday? 17) What English topics are you studying these days? 18) Are you going out or talking to someone these days? 19) What are you thinking, concerning your life? 20) What are you doing on your next birthday? 21) Are you having issues with your family, friends, or your partner? 22) Are you reading any books? 23) Are you enjoying the classes? 24) Are you cooking tonight?

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