1) What is county lines? a) train lines that take you from cities to the country sides. b) Old people taking young people to the country side to explore the different walks. c) A form of criminal activity in which drugs are supplied from cities to towns or rural areas 2) On average how much money does each line make? a) £800,000 b) $800,000 c) £80,00 d) £8,000 e) £800 3) Drug gangs often use rich, popular, older people to take drugs from cities to rural towns and villages. a) True b) False 4) Drug gangs often use young, vulnerable people or children to transport drugs from cities to rural towns and villages. a) True b) False 5) What is cuckooing? a) The use of a house by police to try and catch drugs runners. b) The use of a house or flat to show young people different types of birds. c) The use of a house buy a drugs gang, normally owned by a vulnerable person or addict to sell drugs.

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