What movies have you been watching recently? Would you recommend any?, seven (make a question to get this answer), What new TV series have you been watching that you would recommend?, 3 years (make a sentence), What food have you been eating a lot recently?, I'm tired! (Explain Why: I've been...), What have you been doing with your free time recently?, at the gym (make a question using this words), My jeans are wet! (Explain Why: I've been...), What has been happening in the news lately?, 2 weeks (make a sentence), How long have you been living where you live now?, on the beach (make a question using this words), Have you decided what you are going to do in your next long holiday?, How long have you been using your mobile phone?, My shoes are dirty! (Explain Why: I've been...), on the phone (make a question using this words), all night (make a question to get this answer), Since March (make a question to get this answer), in the rain (make a question using this words).

Present Perfect Simple and Continuous


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