bank - I am depositing cheques., hairdresser - I am having my hair done., restaurant - I am going out for lunch., mechanic - I am having my car fixed., garden centre - I am buying some plants., veterinarian - I am taking my cat for vaccinations., pharmacy - I am getting my medication., hardware shop - I am buying a new hammer., doctor - I am going for a medical check-up., library - I am borrowing reading books., optician - I am getting my eyes checked., post office - I am posting a parcel., supermarket - I am buying groceries., cinema - I am going to watch a movie., bus stop - I am catching a bus to the city., football stadium - I am going to watch a match., gym - I am running on the treadmill., theatre - I am going to watch a play., locksmith - I am getting keys cut., dry cleaners - I am taking my coat to be cleaned.,


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