1) Why is there a capillary network surrounding the alveoli? a) To diffuse oxygen into the alveoli b) To diffuse carbon dioxide into the alveoli c) To remove oxygen from the alveoli 2) What is Fick's Law? a) rate of diffusion = surface area x concentration / length of diffusion path b) rate of diffusion = length of diffusion path x concentration difference / surface area 3) What is competitive inhibition (in enzymes)? a) An inhibitor that binds to another enzyme, changing its active site b) An inhibitor with a similar active site that occupies the enzymes active site 4) What is the middle layer of connective tissue of the gut structure called? a) epithelial layer b) mucosa c) submucosa 5) Which of these solutions would result in cell lysis? a) isotonic solution b) hypotonic solution c) hypertonic solution 6) Which kingdom has cells which have no membrane-bound nucleus? a) animal b) plant c) prokaryotes d) protoctista 7) Which test identifies proteins? a) heating benedicts with acid b) biuret test c) heating benedicts without acid d) iodine test 8) What do pathologists study? a) cells and how they interact b) genes c) diseased and dysfunctional organisms d) upper levels of biological organization 9) Bile is....? a) the shape the food makes in the intestine wall b) alkaline secretion from the liver c) an obstruction of fat 10) Which word has a similar meaning to exothermic? a) exodinonic b) endergonic c) exergonic 11) Which of these isn't in an epithelial cell? a) mitochondrion b) nucleus c) microvilli d) pili 12) Name an infection disease caused by a bacterium, virus or fungus? a) influenza b) cystic fibrosis c) arthiritis d) mycoardial infarction 13) What is the name for a protein that is outside the phospholipid bilayer? a) intrinsic protein b) extrinsic protein c) carrier protein 14) What specimens are used for an electron microscope? a) dead b) alive c) both 15) Which risk factor for CHD can we control? a) old age b) obesity c) male sex d) family history 16) What is an electron microscopes maximum magnification? a) 1mm b) 1nm c) 1um 17) Which two monosaccharides are lactose made of? a) glucose and galactose b) 2 alpha glucose c) galactose and fructose 18) The RER is... a) studded with ribosomes b) not studded with ribosomes 19) Which subject is best? a) Maths b) Chemistry c) Physics d) Biology e) Other f) None

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