1) Multilingual Competence is to: a) speak more language b) to know other peoples name 2) Personal, Social and learning to learn competence is: a) learn from each other b) to get a gift from your friends c) go to party with others 3) Citizenship Competence is: a) responsible citizens and to fully participate in civic and social life b) only vote on the elections c) to be volunteer in the zoo 4) Entrepreneurship competence is: a) turn ideas into action that has value for others b) make own company c) travel around Europe alone 5) Competence in Cultural Awareness and Expression is: a) the understanding of how ideas are creatively expressed in different cultures b) to know other nationalities dance c) to understeand many language 6) Digital Competence is: a) problem solving and critical thinking b) play online computer games c) use the social media 7) Mathematical competence is: a) mathematical thinking to solve problems in everyday situations b) to know the Pythagorean theorem c) you can count on it 8) Literacy competence is a) openness to critical and constructive dialogue and the awareness on the impact of language b) open to the learn new things c) to know what can you see in the Theater

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