avoid - to try to prevent something from happening, constant - continuous or regular over a long period of time, dissatisfaction - the annoyed feeling that you get when something is not as good as you expected it to be, illness - the state of feeling ill or of having a disease, lawyer - someone whose profession is to provide people with legal advice and services, make sense - to be practical and sensible, management - the control and operation of a business or organization, on edge - nervous and unable to relax because you are worried, performance - the standard to which someone does something, such as a job or an examination, recognize - to accept that something is true or important, recuperate - to get better after being ill or injured, relationship - the way in which two or more people or things are connected with or involve each other, self-employed - working for yourself instead of for an employer and paid directly by the people who you provide a product or service to, suffer - to have a particular illness or physical problem, unnecessary - not needed, workaholic - someone who spends most of their time working and has little interest in other things,

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