HIV and AIDS kills ____ man power leaving the country struggling to train more. HIV and AIDS leads to ____ in the number of street kids as many children are left without parents to look after them In general the population itself ____ when people die of HIV and AIDS HIV and AIDS reduces countries ability to attain ____ security due to death of reliable commercial farmers HIV and AIDS leads to drop in mortality rate and life ____ of the country HIV and AIDS leads to increase in the number of ____, children are left without parents and are made to be given poor care by those that remains ____ development of the country is clamped with increased cases of HIV and AIDs because of its population Alot of ____ and widowers are created by the HIV and AIDS pandemic leaving alot of panic on relative to the deceased Government is forced to channel ____ meant for others areas of development due to rampart increase in HIV and AIDs cases. Victimization of the victims of HIV and AIDs make people die ____ death like committing suicide because of failure to accept the situation

SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS-Explain the impact of HIV and AIDs on the population


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