1) Ratify is the antonym for the word veto. a) True b) False 2) Minuscule is the antonym for the word minute. a) True b) False 3) Interesting and captivating are synonyms. a) True b) False 4) Child's play and easy a) synonyms b) antonyms c) homonyms 5) What is the antonym for the word oblivious? a) aware b) unaware 6) banned and band are ? a) antonyms b) homonyms c) synonyms 7) Synonyms are words that has the opposite meaning. a) True b) False 8) archaic and obsolete are? a) homonyms b) synonyms c) antonyms 9) What is the homonym for the word ways? a) weighs b) waist c) waste 10) optimistic and pessimistic are ? a) synonyms b) antonyms c) homonyms 11) Antonyms are words that has the opposite meaning. a) True b) False 12) Hear and here are? a) Antonyms b) Homonyms c) Synonyms 13) What is the synonym for the word world-class? a) outstanding b) potent c) enchanting 14) What is the antonym for the word deter? a) loathe b) discourage c) encourage 15) The antonym for the word concur is agree. a) True b) False 16) The synonym for the word overabundance is plethora. a) True b) False 17) The antonym for the word active is lethargic. a) True b) False 18) Buoy and boy are homonyms. a) True b) False 19) Homonyms are words that have the same pronunciation.  a) True b) False 20) Give another synonymous word for minuscule. a) ample b) itsy-bitsy c) weak 21) Give another synonymous word for immense. a) many b) smidgen c) gigantic 22) What is the antonym for the word comprehend? a) misinterpret b) interpret c) understand 23) Abbreviate means ______.  a) lengthen b) shorten c) widen 24) What is the antonym for furious? a) latter b) inept c) placid 25) What is the synonym for the word uncertain? a) doubtful b) awful c) astute

Synonym, Antonym, and Homonyms



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