1) What type of lifestyle are they living? a) Gypsy/bohemian b) Solo c) Nomadic d) Wealthy 2) What type of lifestyle are they living? a) Gypsy/bohemian b) Solo c) Nomadic d) Wealthy 3) What type of lifestyle are they living? a) Gypsy/bohemian b) Solo c) Nomadic d) Wealthy 4) What type of lifestyle are they living? a) Gypsy/bohemian b) Healthy c) Active d) Rural 5) What type of lifestyle is he living? a) Gypsy/bohemian b) Healthy c) Active d) Solo 6) What type of lifestyle is she living? a) Rural b) Healthy c) Active d) Solo 7) What type of lifestyle are they living? a) Gypsy/bohemian b) Healthy c) Active d) Wealthy


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