1) All of the following devices can be used to measure length of an object except? a) Meter rule b) beam balance c) verniers calliper d) micrometer screw guage 2) Of the following instruments which one can be used to measure how big the running truck field is? a) meter rule b) clock c) spring balance d) measuring tape 3) Identify the instrument above a) clock b) verniers caliper c) micrometer screw guage d) meter rule 4) Identify the function of the above device a) to measure time b) to measure volume c) to measure length d) to measure density 5) What device can be used to measure the internal diameter of the pipe? a) Meter rule b) verniers caliper c) clock d) micrometer screw guage 6) I can use a .......to measure length a) Clock b) Ruler c) Thermometer d) Timer 7) what is the correct length of pencil? a) 6 b) 1o c) 4 d) 14 8) identify the device above. a) engineers caliper b) micrometer screw guage c) verniers caliper d) meter rule 9) What can you use to measure the internal diameter of a pipe? a) Vernier caliper b) Meter rule c) Micrometer screw gauge d) Stop watch 10) Which instrument has the accuracy of 0.01mm? a) Micrometer screw gauge b) Ruler c) Digital scale d) Vernier caliper

General physics -Demonstrate the use if various measuring instrument to determine length


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