unionization - the process of bringing workers into a labor union, to unionize - to organize into a labor union, to follow suit - do the same as someone else, stunned - shocked / surprised, versus - against, in contrast to, counter to, opposed to, to write (someone) off - dismiss someone or something as insignificant, lack of (something) - absence of something, insufficiency, union busting - activities done to prevent the formation of unions, treat - act or behave toward someone in a certain way., zeitgeist - the defining spirit of a period of history in the ideas and beliefs of the time. / ethos, turmoil - a state of great confusion, trouble, or uncertainty, to end up… - to arrive at a place, condition, or situation that wasn't planned or expected, shortage - when there’s not enough of something that’s needed,

Unions Rise Again: Labor Collectives vs. Amazon (Vocabulary)


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