1) ______________a dishwasher in the kitchen a) There is  b) There are c) Are there 2) ____________ any books on the table? a) There is b) Are there c) there are 3) ______________ some stairs over there a) There are b) There is c) Are there 4) ____________ a lamp in the bedroom a) There are b) Are there c) There is 5) ______________ any glasses in the cupboard? a) Are there b) There are c) There is 6) _______ a bicycle in the garage a) There are b) There is c) Is there 7) ______________ some chairs in the yard a) There are b) There is c) Is there 8) ___________ some pictures on the wall a) There are b) There is c) Is there 9) __________ plants here a) aren´t b) is c) isn´t 10) Is there a bathroom here? a) Yes, there are b) Yes, there is c) No, there are


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