Never have I ever been chased by a dog., Never have I ever spent more than $50 on underwear., Never have I ever stood someone up on a date., Never have I ever lied to someone in this room., Never have I ever texted an ex out of nowhere., Never have I ever shoplifted., Never have I ever used someone else's toothbrush., Never have I ever been thrown out of a bar or club., Never have I ever broken a bone., Never have I ever gone on a blind date., Never have I ever spent more than £200 on a night out., Never have I ever cheated on a test or exam., Never have I ever lied in this game., Never have I ever broken the law., Never have I ever got a tattoo I regretted., Never have I ever edited my selfies., Never have I ever told someone’s secret., Never have I ever dropped my phone in a toilet., Never have I ever fancied a friend's parent., Never have I ever run out on a meal without paying., Never have I ever created a fake Instagram., Never have I ever fake-cried to get something., Never have I ever been to a nudist beach., Never have I ever pulled an all nighter., Never have I ever ignored someone I knew in public., Never have I ever hitchhiked a ride., Never have I ever lied on my resume., Never have I ever sang in public., Never have I ever been hospitalized for something other than giving birth or being born., Never have I ever lied about my income., Never have I ever convinced a friend to dump a partner., Never have I ever been a maid of honor., Never have I ever thought a friend's baby was ugly., Never have I ever lied about my age., Never have I ever cut in line on purpose., Never have I ever cut my own hair., Never have I ever been awake for 24 straight hours or more., Never have I ever eaten food that broke the five-second rule., Never have I ever received nudes., Never have I ever thought a cartoon character was hot., Never have I ever Googled someone before a date., Never have I ever dated a musician., Never have I ever gotten stitches., Never have I ever started a hashtag., Never have I ever danced on a table., Never have I ever been on TV., Never have I ever gotten sick on a date., Never have I ever purposely given someone bad advice., Never have I ever had a surprise party thrown for me., Never have I ever peed my pants as an adult..


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