1) Identify the tense in this sentence.- Hitler killed many Jews when Germany was under his control.  a) Simple Present b) Present Continuous c) Simple Past d) Past Continuous 2) Which sentence is in Simple Present Tense? a) Monarchy was once the most popular government system. b) Democracy is the ideal form of government. 3) Which sentence is in Simple Past Tense? a) France observed Anarchy for a short time. b) France follows Democracy now. 4) Identify the tense- The laws in Saudi Arabia discriminate between men and women. a) Past continuous b) Simple Present c) Simple Past 5) The following is an example of Past Continuous tense. a) I was learning about the existing government system in China. b) I am researching about the features of Anarchy. 6) Identify the mistake- India becomes a Democratic nation in 1950. a) Spelling error b) Verb- becomes c) The year- 1950 7) Anarchy ________ the state of a society being freely constituted without authorities or a governing body. a) was b) is c) will d) I don't know! 8) Identify the tense-The dictator was misusing his power at the expense of the citizens. a) Present Continuous b) Simple Past c) Past Continuous 9) Change the sentence into Present Continuous tense- Democracy ensures personal freedom for the individual. a) Democracy ensured personal feedom to the individual. b) Democracy is ensuring personal freedom for the individual. c) Democracy ensure personal freedom for the individual. 10) Monarchy _____________ power and fame to a single individual. a) give b) given c) gives



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