If you had played more sports, would you have become a professional athlete?, If you had been born in a different country, how would your life have been different?, If you had studied harder, would your life be any different?, If your country's team had won the last world cup, what would you have done?, What would you have done if you had won the last lottery?, . Where would you have moved if you hadn't moved here?, What would you have done if you had gotten lost during your last vacation?, What type of music would you have sung if you had been a famous singer?, What piece of knowledge would have changed your life if you had known it?, If you had been born a different gender, would your personality be different?, If you had been born 100 years ago, would your life be better or worse?, If your parents had been rich, how would your life be different now?, If you hadn't been born in your country, what country would to want to be from?, What language would you have studied if you hadn't studied English?, What would be different if you had gotten different friends?, ..

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