Body composition - Different athletes will need a different build for their specific sport. For example, a marathon runner will be different to that of a 100m sprinter., Muscle strength - A rugby player will need this to make a tackle during a game., Muscular endurance - Helps a cyclist to continuously use their leg muscles to pedal the bike for the full duration of the race. Other examples:, Agility - A basketball player will need this to dodge opponents in a game., Speed - A wing in rugby, racing to the try line to score. Other examples:, Balance - This will help a gymnast perform a beam routine., Power - This will help a high jumper explode off the floor to clear the bar. Other examples:, Reaction Time - A 100m sprinter will need to react to the gun at the start of a race., Co-ordination - This will help a tennis player make an effective serve. Other examples:, Flexibility - Helps a gymnast perform the splits in a floor routine. , Cardiovascular endurance - Helps a Marathon runner sustain exercise for the full duration of the race.,

Components of Fitness in application


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