1) Find the value of the following a) 4 b) 8 c) 16 d) I don't know e) 32 2) Find the value of the following a) 19 b) 17 c) I don't know d) 16 e) 126 3) Find the value of the following a) 12 b) 72 c) 144 d) I don't know 4) What is the name of this symbol? a) Infinite Sign b) Division Sign c) Radical Sign d) Power e) I don't know 5) What is the first counting number? a) -1 b) 0 c) 1 d) 2 e) I don't know 6) (True or False) Integers are counting numbers and zero. a) True b) False c) I don't know 7) (True or False) Whole numbers start with Zero. a) True b) False c) I don't know 8) (True or False) Natural numbers start with Zero. a) True b) False c) I don't know

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