What makes you laugh?, What's your favorite item of furniture at home?, What advice can you give to someone half your age?, Do you agree that good grammar is not important as long as people can understand you?, What kind of art do you like?, Do you share your birthday with anyone in your family?, What is more enjoyable shopping online or at stores?, What is the oldest thing that you own?, Will you go to the bowling alley this weekend?, What are you going to improve about your life?, What's nicer, buying gifts for people or giving them money to buy what they want?, Do you have any "junk drawers¨ at home? If so where?, Do you sometimes reread anything? If so what?, When are you going to eat at a very expensive restaurant?, How do you make breakfast on weekends?, Do you ever buy anything and regret it later?, Are you good at driving?, Do you play any sports?, What is the best music genre?, What's the biggest thing you will do to improve your English skills?, Do you think people today are healthier or unhealthier than fifty years ago?, What is worse to live in a city or in the countryside?, What's the best thing about spending time with you?, How often do you remember your dreams?, Do you have any watches?, How often do you go to the doctor for a check-up?, Do you agree that "school days are the best days of your life"?, Will you wear a school uniform next Monday?, How do you decide what books to read?, How often do you get takeaway food?.

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