你喜歡橘子🍊嗎? - Do you like oranges?, 你喜歡梨子🍐嗎? - Do you like pears?, 來看看我的魔法樹🌲。 - Come and see my magic tree., 有🍎、🍌、木瓜、🍇和🍊在樹上。 - There are apples, bananas, papayas, pears, grapes, and oranges on the tree., 維特、彼得和艾莎喜歡梨子。 - Victor, Peter, and Elsa like pears., 我的寵物喜歡蘋果。 - My pets like apples., 牛頓和我也喜歡蘋果。 - Newton and I like apples, too., 牛頓是我所鍾愛的。 - Newton is the apple of my eye.,


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