No - Does the spelling of a suffix ever change?, ck - How would you spell final (k) at the end of a one-syllable base word immediately after a short vowel?, Long o sound. - How would you pronounce the letter o if it is the only vowel in the word and it is in final position?, with a k-line (or k-back). - How is the letter c coded it it is pronounced as (k)?, on the 1st syllable - When 2 consonants stand between 2 sounded vowels, the word usually divides between the 2 consonants, but where does the accent most frequently fall?, between the consonants - In a word with a VCCV pattern, where does the word usually divide?, digraph ng - How do you spell (ng) in the final position of a word?, long e sound - How would you pronounce the letter e if it is the only vowel in the word and is in final position?, no - If the B.W. contains 2 adjacent vowels, would you change the spelling of the B.W. before adding a vowel suffix?, they are underline - How are digraphs coded?, k - How do you usually spell the sound of (k) before the letter i?, n - How would you spell medial (ng) before the sound of (k)?, short o sound - How would you pronounce the letter o in a closed syllable?, c - How you do you usually spell the sound of (k) if it comes before a consonant?, short e - How would you pronounce the letter e in a closed syllable?, they are - What is the meaning of the contraction they're?, act of doing or art of doing - What is the meaning of suffix -ing?, yam (y) - How would you pronounce the letter y in initial position?, you are - What is the meaning of the word you're?, i, j, and u - There are 3 letters that usually do not occur at the end of English base words. What are they?,

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