with - I am ____ my family. I took a picture _____ my mom and sister., about - describing a series, story, movie theme. , should - is it a good idea? , maybe - it is a possibility, synonym of might, enough - sufficient amount , really - synonym very much, truely , lovely - beautiful, kind, nice, pretty, why - question word, for what reason?, but - negative, exception , lonely - without other people to love and care, missing - got lost or was not have available, they - an outside group of people with two or more people , we - a group of people (2 or more) including you, meaning / mean - the definition of a word, sentence, etc., underline  - make a line under a word, afraid - synonym of scared, understand - know what something means, how it works, (dis)agree - have the same or different ideas with someone, finally - after a long time or process, right - correct, adequate, welcome - a nice way to recieve a person/people, patience/patient - being able to wait for something without suffering, better - more favorable than the other option , might - it is possible, synonym maybe, my/your - belonging/possesion , keep/kept - stay with (forever) , think/thought - have ideas in your brain, could - is it possible? frequently a question word, (podría), must - it is necessary, obligation, you have to , fight/fought - an intense or violent disagreement with words or bodies,

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