1) When did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany? a) 30th January 1933 b) 30th March 1933 c) 30th January 1934 d) 29th January 1933 2) What is a Chancellor the same as? a) President b) Leader c) Prime Minister d) Absolute dictator 3) What % of the votes did the Nazis have in January 1933? a) 32% b) 33% c) 34% d) 37% 4) Who could sack Hitler in January 1933? a) von Papen b) Goering c) Hindenburg d) Rohm 5) How many seats did the Nazi's have in the cabinet in January 1933? a) 5/12 b) 4/12 c) 3/12 6) Who were the KPD? a) The Social Democrats b) The Communists c) The Catholic Centre Party 7) Who were the SPD? a) The Social Democrats b) The Communists c) The Catholic Centre Party 8) Who were likely to vote for the Communist party? a) The rich  b) The poor of Germany 9) When was the Reichstag fire? a) 27th March 1933 b) 26th March 1933 c) 27th February 1933 d) 27th April 1933 10) Who got the blame for the Reichstag fire? a) A Dutch Communist Marinus van der Lubbe b) A German Communist Franz van der Lubbe c) A leading Nazi Goering 11) How did Hitler use the Reichstag fire to his advantage? a) To convince Hindenburg of a Communist takeover. b) To allow the Communists to have all the seats in the Reichstag. 12) What was the law for the Protection of the People and the State? a) Suspended the freedom of travelling to France b) Suspended many civil rights of German people c) Suspended the Reichstag government 13) In March 1933 which political party was the Nazi's biggest rival? a) The Catholic Centre party b) The Communist Party c) The SDP 14) How many seats did the Nazis win in the March elections? a) 287 b) 288 c) 289 d) 290 15) What was the Enabling Law? a) Hitler needed to get 1/2 votes in Reichstag to pass laws. b) Hitler had the power to make laws without the approval of either the Reichstag or the President.

Nazi Consolidation of Power


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