What is something you love doing that you don’t usually talk about? Why do you love doing it?, Are you thinking of buying anything this weekend? What and why?, What would be the best thing to buy you for your birthday? Why?, Do you think it is more difficult to be a man or a woman? Why?, What is the one thing you would most like to be great at? Why?, Do you think it is important to have many boyfriends or girlfriends before you choose one to marry? Why or why not?, Do you enjoy spending time alone? What is your favourite thing to do when you are by yourself?, What is something you do now that you want to go on doing until you’re 90?, What is one bad habit you have that you would like to stop doing?, What is the first thing you will arrange to do after you get back to your country?, What is something you can't wait to do this weekend?, Name a skill you used to often practise, but don't anymore., What are you looking forward to doing the most in 2021?, "Trying is more important than succeeding". Do you agree and can you give an example?, "I'd rather be in Australia at the moment than in my country" Do you agree? Why?.

Gerund vs. Infinitive Conversation Questions


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