Mức độ đau - Could you please rate it on a scale from 0 to 10?, Khởi phát đau  - When did it start? How long has it been there?, Vị trí đau - Where are you hurting?, Hướng lan xuyên - Does it move to anywhere else?, Đau liên tục hay từng cơn - Does it hurt all the time, or does it come and go?, Yếu tố làm nặng - Is there anything that makes it worse?, Yếu tố giảm đau - Is there anything that makes it better?, Tính chất đau  - Can you describe the pain? , Đột ngột hay từ từ? - Is it sudden or gradual? ,

Exploiting pain symptoms - Khai thác triệu chứng đau



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