1) The plural of strawberry is... a) Strawberris b) Strawberryes c) Strawberries d) Strawberrys 2) The plural of wolf is... a) wolfs b) wolfes c) wolvs d) wolves 3) The plural of key is... a) keys b) keis c) keies d) keyes 4) The plural of daisy is... a) daisys b) daisies c) daisis d) daisyes 5) The plural of topaz is... a) topazes b) topazs c) topazzes d) topaz 6) The plural of bus is... a) buss b) bus c) buses d) busies 7) The plural of witch is... a) witchs b) witchies c) witch d) witches 8) The plural of fox is... a) foxes b) foxs c) foxies d) fox 9) The plural of book is... a) books b) bookes c) bookies d) bookis 10) The plural of tree is... a) treeis b) tres c) trees d) treeys 11) The plural of truck is... a) truckes b) truckies c) truckis d) trucks 12) The plural of kiss is... a) kiss b) kisses c) kissies d) kises

Plural of nouns


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