Lusitania - British ship sunk in 1915 by German U-boats, Isolationism - The foreign policy of keeping out of other countries' fights and affairs., Woodrow Wilson - President during WWI's beginning., Imperialism - Taking control of another country's resources and ports for your country's advantage., Spanish-American War - Conflict in Cuba that led to America gaining territories and Spain losing its superpower status., Militarism - The expanding of a country's military., Alliance - A mutually beneficial relationship between countries to protect one another., Nationalism - Very strong alliance to one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations., Archduke Ferdinand - His assassination was a contributing factor to WWI., Serbia - Country where the Archduke was assassinated., 1914-1918 - The years in which WWI was fought. ,


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