1) Friendliness is a language the deaf can hear and the ___________ can read. a) lid b) press c) chin d) blind 2) I __________ at him from the window but he didn't see me. a) waved b) closed c) asked d) smelled 3) The teacher showed the students how to create their history timeline to show the events in __________ order. a) after that b) pat c) chronological d) random 4) When you live in a country, you soon __________ the language. a) demonstrate b) pick up c) start with d) get up  5) He picked up a butterfly between his __________ and forefinger. a) chin b) vessel c) thumb d) mouth 6) You can move the ________ either by using the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard. a) cursor b) button c) lid d) lip 7) __________ yourself on the back for a job well done on the difficult test,” the teacher said to her class. a) select b) open c) put d) pat 8) Nicotine can constrict blood ____________ and may contribute to heart disease. a) palms b) vessels c) thumbs d) smell 9) There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could ___________ one of them. a) press b) send c) close d) select 10) First, _________ your legs, then flex your feet. Otherwise, it will not be effective! a) let b) pick up c) straighten d) walk

A2-Vocabulary Quiz-U5


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