caesura - A break in a line of poetry, often signalled by a comma, ellipsis or dash , enjambment - The continuation of a sentence, without pause, beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza, in medias res - Opening into the middle of the plot; the action has already begun, onomatopoeia - The formation of a word based on its associated sound, triplet - Otherwise known as the rule of three; a list of three things used to emphasise a point and inject rhythm , repetition - A word, phrase or image is used on multiple occasions, hyperbole - To exaggerate something for dramatic or comedic effect, alliteration - Using the same letter at the start of multiple words, anecdote - A short, often interesting story about a real incident or person, personification - Attributing human features or responses to an inanimate object,

Power and Conflict - Year 10 - Poetry Devices


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