temporary - 'I'll only be working here for a couple of weeks. I'm a _______ worker.', timely - 'It couldn't have happened at a better time! What a _______ arrival!', seasonal - 'It depends on the time of year. It's a _______ problem.', punctual - 'I get to work at nine o'clock on the dot every day. I try to be _______ .', simultaneous - 'We both said it at exactly the same time. Our answer was _______.', obsolete - 'We can't use that software on our new computers. It's _______ !', provisional - 'It's the first draft of the text. We can change it later if we want. It's only _______ .', overdue - 'They should have sent that to us ages ago. It's long _______ .',

D C1 6A Time&Work Match up


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