connected to the idea of an action continuing for a long time: 1 Mary was beavering away at her desk when I last popped in to see her. 1 Mary was beavering away at her desk when I last popped in to see her.  , 5 My fingers are tired! I've been hammering away at this keyboard for hours., 7 Keep plodding away and you'll finish your novel eventually., 9 We can hear Carol typing away at her keyboard from the living room., 10 Don't disturb your father. He's working away on some designs at the moment., 8 Can we have a break? We've been slaving away all morning.  , other meaning: 2 Let’s break away from the main crowd and go over there for a while., 3 You can't explain it away as a simple mistake. You did it on purpose!, 4 I think I'll give these old clothes away. Do you know any charity shops around here?, 6 I'm sorry to tell you that your great-grandfather passed away during the night.  ,

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