1) Why does the monster avoid humans? a) Because they seem to be afraid of him b) Because he cannot control his hunger for them c) Because he can only commit crimes when no one is looking d) Because he is terrified of them 2) How does the monster learn to communicate? a) He learns from the old man whose hut he lives in. b) He threatens people who could teach him. c) He listens to his neighbors and tries to mimic them. d) He teaches himself to read Victor’s diaries. 3) How is the 'Arabic' woman called? a) Agatha b) Elizabeth c) Safie d) Margaret 4) What does the monster do to help Felix and Agatha? a) He tells them his story. b) He leaves them firewood. c) He becomes their bodyguard. 5) How does the monster find out what he looks like? a) Felix and Agatha tell him. b) He finds drawings of himself. c) He sees his reflection in water. d) He looks in a mirror. 6) How does the monster feel about his own appearance? a) He is surprised and pleased. b) He cannot stop looking at himself. c) He wishes his neighbors looked more like him. d) He is shocked by how ugly he is. 7) What does the monster realize when he is able to understand those around him? a) That he will one day fit in b) That he is disfigured and alone c) That he cannot help Felix and Agatha d) That he will never learn to read

Frankenstein chapters 11-13


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