be fortunate - be lucky, coincidence - when two or more similar or related events occur at the same time by chance and without any planning., fate - destiny ; a power that some people believe causes and controls all events, so that you cannot change or control the way things will happen, not believe my luck - to be very surprised and very pleased, be in the right place at the right time - in the best position or place to take advantage of an opportunity, deliberate decision - intended or planned choice, life-changing experience - a turning point in someone's life, path - a set of actions, especially ones that lead to a goal or result, chance encounter - an unintentended meeting of people unfamiliar to each other, determination - the quality of trying to do something even when it is difficult, lucky break - a fortunate and unexpected turn of events, wind something up - to bring an activity, meeting etc to an end,

Luck and Choice UNIT 9.1


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