True: Red and Yellow are typical Aboriginal colours., A piece of Aboriginal art would be full of symbols that helped tell the story., Aboriginal paintings and story's were based on how the land was formed., The Aborigines painted their pictures using uniformed dot patterns., Paintings were produced using a stick or piece of animal bone., The story telling practiced by the aborigines is clled the dreaming., Aborigines respect the land on which they live., The Aborigines used 'earthy' colours in there paintings., False: Aboriginal paintings use speech bubbles to tell a story., Blue and greens are typical Aboriginal colours., The story's in the paintings and in Dreamtime were based on events that had happened in history., The colours used in Aboriginal art are found at the local store., Aboriginal people thought the animals were evil and needed to be killed., The story's were made up by the children to tell their grandparents., The stories that were told by the Aborigines were based on nursery rhymes and film characters., Aborigines come from Austria,

Aboriginal True False Quiz

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