歌go1 - song, 中秋節zung1 cau1 zit3 - The Mid-Autumn Festival, 跳舞tiu3 mou5 - to dance, 聽音樂ting3 jam1 ngok6 - to listen to music, 唱歌coeng3 go1 - to sing, singing, 游泳jau4 wing6 - swimming, 看電影hon3 din6 jing2 - watch movies, 看新聞hon4 san1 man4 - watch news, 看電視hon5 din6 si6 - watch television, 運動員wan6 dung6 jyun4 - athlete, sportsman, 冠軍 gun3 gwan1 - champion, 龍舟 lung4 zau1 - dragon boat, 復活節 fuk6 wut6 zit3 - Easter, 鞭炮bin1 paau3 - firecracker (related to the Chinese New Year), 散步saan3 bou6 - (to) go for a walk/stroll, 社交se5 gaau1 - socialising, 夏令營haa6 ling6 jing4 - summer camp, 隊deoi6 - team, 隊員deoi6 jyun4 - team member, player, 端午節dyun1 ng5 zit3 - The Dragon Boat Festival,

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