1) Which of the following are features of globalisation? a) Improvements to technology and transport b) More expensive clothes c) Less choice of food in the supermarket d) Buying British 2) What is a primary industry? a) An industry that extracts raw materials b) An industry that uses raw materials c) An industry that sells raw materials 3) What is a secondary industry? a) An industry that makes component parts b) An industry that sells components c) An industry that advertises products 4) Which of the following is a primary industry? a) mining copper for zips b) making zips c) sewing zips into trousers 5) Which of the following is a secondary industry? a) cotton farming b) making T shirts c) designing T shirts d) selling T shirts 6) What is a quaternary industry? a) An industry that mines raw materials b) An industry that advertises products c) An industry that is involved in high tech or research and development 7) Which of the following is a tertiary industry? a) making trainers b) farming cotton c) inventing new materials d) advertising trainers 8) Which of the following is a quaternary industry? a) cotton farming b) inventing new rubber for trainer soles c) Sewing T Shirts d) making zips 9) What does globalisation mean? a) A world which is increasingly interconnected. b) A world that is getting bigger c) The globe becoming more round d) Another word for earth 10) What is the correct definition of GNP per capita. a) The total value of goods and services b) The total value of goods and services divided by the population c) Another word for HDI d) The amount of money in a country.

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