Were you friends with your siblings while you were growing up?, Were you “book smart” as a kid?, Were you naturally talented at sports as a kid?, Did you prefer to play outside or indoors when you were a child?, Are you still in touch with your childhood best friend today? Why or why not?, Were you well-behaved as a child or not?, What is one of the best lessons your mother/father ever taught you as a kid?, Did your family go on any trips or holidays together? Where did you go?, If you could raise your own children anywhere in the world, would you raise them in your hometown or somewhere else? Why?, If you could do your childhood all over again, what would you choose to do differently?, Did you stay in the same place for your entire childhood, or did your family move around?, What foods did you refuse to eat when you were younger? Do you eat those foods now?, What was your favourite pastime when you were young?, What was your favourite toy to play with as a kid?, Who was your favourite family member when you were younger?, What is your happiest childhood memory? Your saddest?, What is your favorite children's story?, Was learning to read and write a struggle for you?, When you were a child, how did you imagine your adult self?, Who is someone you've lost? What are some of your memories about that person?.

Childhood memories


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