State Reforms: 17th Amendment, Referendum, Initiative, Recall, Muckraker: Ida Tarbell, Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, Lincoln Steffens, Reforming Society: Child Labor, Health & Safety Codes, Workers Compensation, Prohibition, Progressive Beliefs: make government more responsive to the people, government should take more active role, regulate trusts, fight government corruption, Federal / National Government Reform: 18th Amendment, 19th Amendment, Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act, Federal Reserve Act, Amendment changes - (do not put in specific amendments #'s here): Women's suffrage (right to vote), banned the manufacture, transportation, & sale of alcohol, direct election of senators by voters, Congress has the power to lay & collect taxes on incomes, Repeals prohibition, Environmental Conservation: believe in preserving wilderness areas, Newlands Reclamation Act, National Park System, Have concern that natural resources were being used up at an alarming rate.,


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