1) What role did Himmler have in Nazi Germany? a) Responsible for Propaganda b) Responsible for Police, Security and intellegience c) Leader of Germany 2) The SS three main branches were: a) The Kripo, the Gestapo and the SD b) The Kripo, the Gestapo and the Guards c) The Kripo, the Gestapo and the PSNI 3) What did the Gestapo do? a) They were the general police b) They were the secret police who hunted down Nazi opponents. c) They were the intellegience arm of the SS. 4) What did the Krippo do? a) They were the general police b) They were the secret police who hunted down Nazi opponents. c) They were the intellegience arm of the SS. 5) What did the SD do? a) They were the general police b) They were the secret police who hunted down Nazi opponents. c) They were the intellegience arm of the SS. 6) Where did potential SS members receive training? a) Nazi controlled schools b) Junker Schools c) Police Camps 7) What was the people's court? a) They ensured judges gave the "right" verdict to criminals. b) They allowed the accused to defend themselves. 8) Who were sent to concentration camps? a) Political prisoners of the Nazis. b) Those who supported Nazi ideas. 9) What was Volksgemeinschaft? a) The co-ordination of all activities to fit into Nazi ideals. b) A people's community-were people were taught their primary duty was loyalty to Hitler. 10) How were German's encouraged to speak about the Nazis? a) "Speak only to your friends" b) "Speak only through a flower" c) "Say nothing to anyone"

The Nazi Police State


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