1) Marina stole Gabbi's MacBook yesterday. 2) Robert was watching TV when he saw the thief came in. 3) My mom believes that shoplifters need to go to jail. 4) Drea reported her stalker to the police. 5) I saw Fito was throwing bottles into Mr. Finnigan's backyard. 6) My fiancé ran away with my scholarship money.  7) The police caught the runaway inmates. 8) They set the school building on fire last week. It was horrible. 9) My sister got a speeding ticket yesterday. She needed to pay Rp 500.000 as the fine. 10) Two teenagers climbed up the school wall just last month. 11) Amalia Wood needs to serve 25 years for murdering her own brother. 12) Michael Cameron, aka People Savior hacked NASA last month.

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