Grinding, whining and squealing sounds all indicate a problem with a/an ____ part of the computer. ____ are slot covers that keep contaminants out of the computer while maintaining airflow to prevent overheating. A/an ____ problem happens sometimes but not all the time. Flashing the BIOS refers to upgrading or refreshing the programming stored on a ____ chip. At startup, a power-on-self-test (POST) tests all computer ____ for proper operation. A CMOS battery stores BIOS ____ even when the computer is unplugged. The number, duration, and pattern of beeps in a computer's beep ____ can sometimes indicate which component is causing a problem. A POST card is a/an ____ used to troubleshoot computer system startup. A ____ diagram provides a cross-reference between the contacts of an electrical connector or electronic component, and their functions. It's dangerous to touch a ____ capacitor because it could explode or cause chemical burns from any electrolyte residue that seeps out of the vents in the top. Window's Blue Screen of Death and Apple's rotating pinwheel both indicate a ____ error. A multimeter is useful for checking the functionality of ____ connections.

Troubleshooting Motherboards, CPUs, RAM and Power Problems (220-1101, Unit 11.2)


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