1 - Old Major tells the other animals on the farm about his dream where all the aniamls work together to have a better life., 2 - Old Major dies and two young pigs called Napoleon and Snowball started a system of thought called Animalism., 3 - After being left unfed, the animals led a rebellion which drove Mr Jones and his wife out of Manor Farm., 4 - Napoleon and Snowball wrote the seven commandments that all the animals must follow., 5 - The animals all worked together on the farm and made sure everyone had enough food and rest and they started to learn how to read and write., 6 - Farmer Jones and his workers attempted to take back Manor Farm in the Battle of the Cowshed. The animals won and the bravest were awarded medals., 7 - Napoleon and Snowball started to have political disagreements and each tried to gain support from the other animals.,

by Anonymous


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