acculturation: An immigrant from Guatemala may choose to continue speaking Spanish in their home, however they will also learn English to use in public. , process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group, but still retain some original uniqueness, the embrace of Mexican, Chinese, and Indian cuisines within the U.S., bilingual, assimilation: forced during imperialism or colonialism, Indigenous boarding schools, process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group and cannot be distinguished from anyone else; often occurs as a result of colonization or immigration, dead languages, , syncretism: development of a new cultural trait as a result of the blending of two distinct but interacting cultures, Rastafarian movement, The hearth of Santeria is in Cuba and was developed through the influence of African Yoruban and Roman Catholicism as a result of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. , Cajun culture, Jazz Music, multiculturalism: maintaining a diversity of ethnic cultures within a community that are valued and respected for their unique differences, tolerance & acceptance, ,

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