1) Wandering around is... a) to walk around fastly in a non relaxed way b) to walk around slowly in a relaxed way 2) Grumpily is the same as  a) annoyed b) excited 3) When you lack something... a) you don´t have it b) you don´t need it 4) Affordable is a) something I can buy b) something very expensive 5) To endure is a) to suffer something good b) to suffer something painful 6) Dull is ... a) not interesting b) not beautiful 7) Reproached is the same as.. a) to criticize someone, especially for not being successful b) to treat someone badly 8) When something is stern... a) it is calm b) it is severe 9) Forestall a) to prevent something from happening by acting first b) to make something happen for the first time


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