Primary Sources : Primary Sources , An autobiography by Christopher Columbus. , A medieval iron sword from 1356 , A wedding dress worn by Queen Elizabeth , A recording of grandparents telling stories from when they were young. , A letter written by a soldier to his family in World War I., Interviews of people who witnessed the Vietnam Wars. , A television interview with people who saw what happened. , A news report about the opening of a power plant. , A radio broadcast from the day the Soviet Union , Neil Armstrong describing what it was like to walk on the mmon. , A journal written by Marco Polo about his exploration of China. , Secondary Sources : Secondary Sources , A biography about King Henry VIII , Magazine articles written by journalists about famous actors. , A school textbook about Ancient Greece., A journal article written about how Indians lived. , A friend describing the snowstorm he was in last year. , The Italian Constitution. , A play showing how Benjamin Franklin flew a kite during a lightning storm. ,  A website describing what the first World's Fair was like. , A YouTube video describing how the pyramids were built. , A wikipedia article describing the Battle of Hastings., A scientist explaining what it was like for Neil Armstrong to walk on the moon. ,

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