Nurse - Take care of people. Provides assistance to the patient., Coach - trains or directs training., Singer - Sing and cheer people up with your music , Journalist - inform people, Politician - Form opinion or public, Game designer - designs and develops electronic games. person involved in the production of art, Artist - person involved in art production, Architect - does all the planning of a building, Lawyer - studies the cases and organizes tests, Barber - cut and fix the hair or beard of men and boys., Dentist - Responsible for the treatment of teeth, Musician - Connected with music, plays instrument , Firefighter - Rescue people and put out fires, Actor - interprets and represents a dramatic action, Engineer - manages, designs and monitors the stages of a construction or renovation., Hairdresser - Cut and style the hair of women and girls, Police officer - works in crime prevention, patrolling the streets to prevent criminals from taking action., Pilot - conduz aeronaves., Business person - work in a company, Doctor - attend and take care of the paci,

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