1) What are the three macro nutrients required by plants in large amounts? a) nitrogen, potassium and manganese b) zinc, boron and iron c) phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium 2) Fertilizers containing minor nutrients will be described as.. a) containing trace nutrients b) containing trace elements c) containing base fertilizer d) not being very good 3) In horticultural terms, what is the most appropriate definition of deficiency? a) it looks different  b) it is lacking something c) it has too much of something d) it's a cultivar 4) Of the major nutrients, which is responsible for lush green growth? a) potassium  b) calcium c) phosphorus  d) sulphur e) nitrogen f) magnesium  5) Of the major nutrients, which is responsible for improving the quality of seeds and fruit? a) potassium b) calcium c) phosphorus d) sulphur e) nitrogen f) magnesium 6) Which of the major nutrients, when there is too much of it, can cause a delay to fruiting and makes plants susceptible to fungal infections? a) potassium b) calcium c) phosphorus d) sulphur e) nitrogen f) magnesium 7) Finish this sentence: A good supply of phosphorus produces.... a) lush, green vegetation b) vigorous root growth c) enhance quality flowers d) purple foliage e) leaf necrosis 8) Phosphorus deficiency is seen as.... a) yellowing of leaves b) reduced growth c) small or deformed fruits d) improved quality of seeds e) scorched leaf edges f) the older leaves turning purple. 9) Potassium deficiency is seen as... a) improved quality of seeds b) no flowers c) marginal leaf necrosis d) poor roots e) brown bananas 10) Nitrogen deficiency is seen as... a) lush green growth b) brown leaves c) poor roots d) purple foliage e) chlorosis f) stunted growth




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